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Support et Partage

Humanitarianism consists in never sacrificing a human being to a purpose.

Albert Schweitzer


Support et Partage e.V.

Support et Partage is a non-profit humanitarian association. It was created in April 2015 following a television report on the suffering in the world and the uneven distribution of minimum living requirements. The association is independent of all religious and political affiliations and is constituted for an unlimited period of time.
Its field of activity is very broad and its activities extend across the whole planet. Its aim is to provide physical, moral, material and financial support to those in need (disaster victims, the sick and victims of poverty) and to promote exchanges between the cultures and traditions of the peoples of the world.

Donation Account:
Berliner Sparkasse | IBAN: DE77 1005 0000 0190 5732 10 | BIC: BELADEBEXXX

About us

We are 7 friends who took it upon ourselves to create the Support et Partage association. We did this with a view to providing greater support to the poor. In order to both bring this into being and to allow it grow, we pledged to adhere to the following principles:


To work with respect for
socio-economic and
cultural values


To respect the legal regulations imposed by the law on non-profit associations.


To operate the fund with rigour and transparency, taking a global, long-term approach.


Contributing to development of the association and to the strengthening of communal living; supporting and sharing physical, psychological, material and financial assistance.

Donation Account:
Berliner Sparkasse | IBAN: DE77 1005 0000 0190 5732 10 | BIC: BELADEBEXXX



Contributing to development of the association and to the strengthening of communal living; supporting and sharing physical, psychological, material and financial assistance.


Support et Partage achieves its goals in collaboration with its members, notably thanks to the profits made during cultural events and also to the financial and material donations collected from a variety of sources.


Support et Partage invites sponsors and partners to work collaboratively in the service of our objectives, by engaging in a form of behaviour that is both transparent and ethical, and which will broadly speaking contribute to the development of the association in accordance with the standards of all applicable laws.

Become a meber

Support et Partage is open to all individuals and legal entities wishing to become a member of the association. Membership is acquired on the basis of a contract.


You must be at least 21 years old


You must provide a form of identification


You must accept and respect the rights and obligations arising from the association’s statutes.

Applications for membership are processed within 14 days.



8 + 1 =


Support et Partage e.V.
Katzlerstraße 5 | D-10829 Berlin


+4930 – 346 655 87